About user

Main page provides basic information about yourself. You have immediate info about your last known access, number of hours worked or remaining number of days off.

Work plan

Work plan is neatly displayed and days off are graphically displayed – holidays, sick days, business trips, maternity leaves and more. Simple table displays numbers of hours worked, hours that need to be worked and remaining available days off.

Presence manager

Or presence summary is an excellent tool for your receptionist or operator. On one page you can see neatly listed employees, including photos. Color coded labels help identify whether a person is present or not, his phone number, e-mail and the last time he punched in or out.

Virtual terminal

The application includes a virtual terminal. Virtual terminal in the mobile application is tied to the user. For re-authentication log can serve saved GPS coordinates on the map with a preview. This feature is always included and if you do not utilize this feature it can be completely hidden.